
MSIG推出"Pledge A Difference"計畫,協助食品援助基金會扶持B40家庭度過難關

2022-01-24 15:20



Kuala Lumpur, 14 January 2022:馬來西亞吉隆玻 - Media OutReach - 2022年1月24日 - MSIG保險(馬來西亞)有限公司(簡稱"馬來西亞MSIG")與食品援助基金會(FAF)合作,推出"Pledge A Difference"計畫。FAF是非營利的非政府組織(NGO),收集並分發食物給慈善機構、志願福利組織、低收入家庭和流動廚房。

As part of the initiative, MSIG made a donation of RM50,000 directly to FAF, of which RM10,000 is channelled towards providing relief to victims of the floods that happened in December 2021 and January 2022. The company is also encouraging the public to donate to the charity in its name and has agreed to match those donations on a ringgit-to--ringgit basis up to a cap of RM30,000. Once the RM30,000 public donation target is reached, MSIG will contribute an additional RM30,000 to FAF, bringing the total donation to RM110,000. 配合此計畫,MSIG直接捐款5萬令吉給FAF,其中1萬令吉用於救濟2021年12月至2022年1月期間慘遭水災蹂躪的災黎。該公司還鼓勵公眾以其名義捐款給此慈善機構,並同意以一令吉對一令吉方式來補助這些捐款,頂限為3萬令吉。一旦公眾捐款達到3萬令吉目標,MSIG將再捐出3萬令吉給FAF,使捐款總額達到11萬令吉。


 said, "It has been a tough year for many families due to the ongoing pandemic and the floods that have devastated many areas. Many people have lost their main sources of income or primary caregivers from Covid-19, and suffered losses and damages to their properties from the floods. Through the amazing work of FAF, we really want to help ease some of their burdens. We, as the insurer who 'sees the heart in everything', are sure that MSIG customers and the public will share this sentiment and contribute generously to FAF, taking advantage of our pledge to match this contribution on a ringgit-to-ringgit basis and therefore doubling the impact of their donations." MSIG首席執行員蔡錫源先生談論"Pledge A Difference"計畫時表示:"冠病疫情繼續蔓延之際又偏逢大水災肆虐,令許多家庭陷入水深火熱,經歷煎熬的一年。許多人因為Covid-19而失去主要收入來源或經濟支柱,又遭大水災毀壞家園,損失慘重。察覺到FAF奮力救濟的善行,我們很想助一臂之力,減輕他們的負擔。身為"全心全意"為您服務的保險公司,我們相信MSIG廣大客戶和公眾人士都會有同感,願意慷慨解囊資助FAF,配合我們承諾以一令吉對一令吉方式捐款補助,從而為他們的捐款帶來加倍效果。"


"We are delighted to be working with FAF who does such worthy work. It only takes RM75 to help one family, so we are hoping that our initial contribution, combined with donations from the public and our pledge to match those donations, will raise a total of RM110,000 for FAF and this will go towards helping over 1,000 families in severe need," said Mr. Chua.蔡錫源先生表示:"FAF所做的事深具意義,很高興可與他們合作。幫助一個家庭只需要75令吉,所以希望我們的初始捐款,加上公眾捐款和我們承諾的對等捐款,將為FAF總共籌集11萬令吉,這筆善款將用於幫助超過1,000個急需援助的家庭。"


Anyone interested in donating to FAF and taking advantage of MSIG's matching contribution pledge can find instructions on the process on the following webpage: Donors can participate in the 'Pledge A Difference' initiative up till 25 January 2022. 任何有意向FAF捐款並善用"Pledge A Difference" 計畫的人士,都可在以下網頁找到有關程式的說明。捐助者可在2022年1月25日之前參與"Pledge A Difference"計畫。


Food Aid Foundation Chief Executive Officer Dr Dalphine Ong said, "We are very happy to be working with MSIG Malaysia, to help vulnerable communities and families. We are grateful for the support of both MSIG, its customers and the public whose contribution will make a real difference in the lives of some underprivileged families who have been hit by setbacks of the pandemic and then the floods. We encourage, everyone, whether affiliated with MSIG or not, to visit our website and learn more about our work at" 食品援助基金會行政總裁王筱珺博士說:"我們很高興能與馬來西亞MSIG合作,向弱勢社區和家庭伸出援手。非常感謝MSIG、其客戶和公眾的支援,他們的捐款猶如雪中送炭,切實地幫助一些遭受疫情和大水災打擊的貧困家庭改善生活。我們歡迎每個人,無論是否屬於MSIG的一份子,都前來流覽我們的網站,更瞭解我們所做的事情。"


The 'Pledge A Difference' initiative is just one of several initiatives that MSIG has supported during the past few years as part of its ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes, its effort to support a number of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as well as various pandemic related relief initiatives focused on providing support to the Ministry of Health (MoH) and frontliners through the crisis. "Pledge A Difference" 是MSIG近幾年來所支持的眾多計畫之一,這是配合MSIG持續進行的企業社會責任項目,致力於支援聯合國可持續發展目標,以及與冠病疫情有關的各種救濟舉措,專注於支持衛生部(MoH)和前線人員克服危機。


MSIG保險(馬來西亞)有限公司(簡稱"馬來西亞MSIG")是三井住友保險公司的子公司,也是全球十大**普險集團之一 MS&AD保險集團控股公司(MS&AD)之成員。


馬來西亞MSIG在普險方面擁有超過 100 年經驗及在全國各地設有20間分行,是其中一家領先的火險、工程和汽車保險公司,也是最大*的海運保險公司,為個人和商業需求提供廣泛的產品與服務。


馬來西亞MSIG屢次得獎,顯示其專業知識備受認同。這包括榮獲2020年《讀者文摘》優秀服務獎 – 汽車保險類銀獎。MSIG被公認為具有最高水準的優質服務之一,這反映了該公司為滿足消費者對高服務標準的需求所做的努力。MSIG也在InsuranceAsia News 主辦的 Awards for Excellence 2018評比中, 榮獲"馬來西亞最佳產險保險公司(P&C Insurer of the Year - Malaysia)"獎項。馬來西亞MSIG以強勁的財務增長,在產品創新作出的投資,增強業務與索賠管理系統的數碼化能力,並且極力主張客戶服務至上,成為業界佼佼者而受到表揚。我們致力於提供卓越的客戶服務,也讓馬來西亞MSIG於2015年獲評選為亞洲保險業大獎的"年度最佳普通保險公司",表揚其在提升企業風險管理方面的客戶體驗和行業領導地位所作出的努力。





**Fortune Global 500, 2020



食品援助基金會(FAF)是非營利機構, 旨在善用易腐和非易腐的過剩食品。成立於2013年,我們的使命是減少食物浪費,緩解馬來西亞的饑餓和營養不良問題。





  • 為慈善機構提供營養食物,將營養食物供應輸送給慈善機構和有需要的人。

  • 為慈善機構節省費用,特別是為慈善機構和貧困家庭節省食物和雜貨費,以便他們的生活費用可轉用於教育、醫療、康復、水電和其他費用。

  • 企業捐助者可履行企業社會責任(CSR),接觸當地社區,對社會發揮正面影響力,即減少社區的饑餓者,更多人可獲營養餐。

  • 保護環境,確保尚可食用的食物獲捐贈,而不是送進垃圾場,減少食物垃圾對環境造成的破壞。

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