吉隆玻, 馬來西亞 - Media OutReach - 2021年11月18日 - 伊斯蘭天災捐獻基金(Dana Wakaf Bencana /Emergency Waqf Fund)委任肯納格投資有限公司(肯納格投資)為基金經理。這是一個緊急救援基金,成立目的是為了援助受到氣候變化而引發的災害以及在未來發生病毒大流行所影響的群體。
作為基金經理的肯納格於11月10日,連同馬來西亞伊斯蘭捐獻基金會(YWM /基金管理單位)與MATCH基金會(分配機構)簽署一份協定備忘錄,以確保所籌募的資金是按照伊斯蘭捐獻法規來進行投資和分配。這項簽署儀式是在首相署(宗教事務)部長伊德利斯上議員和英國駐馬最高專員查理斯海伊的見證下完成。
肯納格首席執行員兼執行董事毅仕民馬迪說:"我們很榮幸被委任為伊斯蘭天災捐獻基金的基金經理,這符合了政府推行的第12大馬計畫,以及政府有意提高伊斯蘭捐獻基金效率的目標。我們期望通過戰略夥伴的關係,來建立一個天災基金監管架構,以便支援這個伊斯蘭捐獻機構,及時為災區分配資源。我認為肯納格之所以受委,原因是我們在基金管理有出色的紀錄,以及今年4月通過肯納格伊斯蘭捐獻基金(Kenanga Waqf Al-Ihsan Fund)管理捐獻基金資產的經驗。"
在馬來西亞,英國外交、聯邦和發展事務部(FCDO) 也委任大馬普華永道公司作為伊斯蘭社會金融領域的顧問。他們的任務是報告建立應急基金的必要性,以緩解與氣候有關的天災,以便保護受災群體的生命和生計。FCDO是由英國最高專員署所管轄,負責營運金融服務和智慧財產權計畫(計畫),通過加強經濟成長來解決東南亞發展中國家的貧窮和不平等問題。
"上述的全球性計畫是在印尼、馬來西亞、緬甸、菲律賓、泰國和越南6個國家進行。它通過6個工作流程來為馬來西亞第一年的'繁榮東盟經濟改革計畫 '提供技術援助,包括金融科技、會計標準、智慧財產權、反洗錢和金融犯罪、資本市場以及伊斯蘭金融。"
About Kenanga Investors Berhad 199501024358
We provide investment solutions ranging from collective investment schemes, portfolio management services, and alternative investments for retail, corporate, institutional, and high net worth clients via a multi-distribution network.
Most recently, the FSMOne Recommended Unit Trusts Awards 2021/2022, named Kenanga Balanced Fund as "Balanced – Malaysia" for the 3rd year, Kenanga ASnitaBOND Fund as the "Core Fixed Income – Malaysia (Islamic)" for the second time, while Kenanga OnePRS Conservative Fund was awarded the "Private Retirement Scheme – Conservative" title (3rd year).
At the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2021 (Malaysia), KIB won overall best Malaysia Islamic Funds Group Awards (Equity) and Malaysia Provident Funds Group Awards (Mixed Assets). The Kenanga SyariahEXTRA Fund was awarded "Mixed Asset MYR Balanced - Malaysia" award for 3-years and 5-years in both categories of Malaysia Islamic Funds and Malaysia Provident Funds while the Kenanga Growth Opportunities Fund won "Equity Malaysia Small & Mid-Caps" for 3-years under the Malaysia Provident Funds category. Kenanga SyariahEXTRA Fund also won "Mixed Asset MYR Balanced – Malaysia" for 3-years and 5-years at the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2021 (Global Islamic). The Hong Kong-based Asia Asset Management's 2021 Best of the Best Awards awarded KIB under the following categories, Malaysia - Best Equity Manager, Malaysia CIO of the Year, Malaysia – Best Islamic Fund (Equity), and Malaysia Best House for Alternatives.
For the fifth consecutive year, KIB was affirmed an investment manager rating of IMR-2 by Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad, since first rated in 2017. The IMR rating on KIB reflects the fund management company's well-established investment processes and sound risk management practices. During the first half of 2021, KIB's 20 largest unit trust funds outperformed its benchmarks for the one-year, three-year and five-year periods.